Friday, March 14, 2014

Since I cannot edit my sisters post....

So like I was the only one to "complete" my challenge? I don't know if that is anything to cheer about. Let me be clear- it is only because the appointments are already made. Does anyone else find some things in life that are supposed to be good for you excruciatingly distasteful?

I carry stuff around.

I though if I kept it on a leash it would not be so heavy. Now I see the problem.

Mary Anne and Gina am I making any sense at all? 

I made a baby quilt too-here is a piece of it. I will try to remember to get a photo of the whole thing this weekend while I am in Seattle. Because I am the worlds most traveled homebody ever. And it is a chance to be with my daughter.    

I also painted some flowers.

And went way outside my comfort zone and skied up there somewhere! 

Also I have had my first PDA 
(Public Display of Art) 
at a Coffee Shop here in town.

I am tired - and even though I should be packing I think I will take Mary Annes example and take a nap.

February is over and we are 1/2 way into March..BUT...

 I think Teri was the only one to complete her goal for last month.. and that was with a bit of a struggle!(great job! for not even remembering what your task was) I did attempt the online information to get every thing started for my heath care but hit a few snags in other words.. yup still on the to do list for me. Gina got a little busy and didn't get to volunteer... but i have a sneaking suspicion she will be making some big changes soon! As for what we did get done Gina has been jumping leaps and bounds with her computer skills and even learned how to video chat with Teri and I!!!

And look we all have "Teri hair" we also found out we all have the plastic tooth pick right on hand and with in arms reach.. don't ask LOL. I also had some time and taught myself how to make perogies and raviolis. And I have found a new mindless art project that is using up my stash of beads... BEAD SPIDERS!