So like I was the only one to "complete" my challenge? I don't know if that is anything to cheer about. Let me be clear- it is only because the appointments are already made. Does anyone else find some things in life that are supposed to be good for you excruciatingly distasteful?
I carry stuff around.
I though if I kept it on a leash it would not be so heavy. Now I see the problem.
Mary Anne and Gina am I making any sense at all?
I made a baby quilt too-here is a piece of it. I will try to remember to get a photo of the whole thing this weekend while I am in Seattle. Because I am the worlds most traveled homebody ever. And it is a chance to be with my daughter.
I also painted some flowers.
And went way outside my comfort zone and skied up there somewhere!
Also I have had my first PDA
(Public Display of Art)
at a Coffee Shop here in town.
I am tired - and even though I should be packing I think I will take Mary Annes example and take a nap.