Monday, March 26, 2012

Be good to your self

Week of March 26-April 1,2011 Do something good for your self
Well this week was meant to be ore "week off" but I though it would be good to keep going. So this week we should do something good for our self's and take time to listen to our body's. Take a long walk, remember to stretch, what ever. just remember to treat your body with something good.


  1. I decided that the cheapest and best thing I can do for myself right now is to get to bed before midnight. SOOO on Monday I was asleep by 11:30 (and slept until 8:30!!! unheard of), Tuesday I was asleep my 11:15 and tonight; Wednesday, I am aiming for 10:30!!! We will see. I also took my walk both days.

    But my favorite thing I did for myself was have my 6 year old niece over for Tuesday afternoon. Both my children are grown, so I really miss little ones. We had a really great afternoon- and we worked on her quilt and in the garden. Hope you all doing well!!!xoxox teri

  2. So far my week of doing things for myself is going well, I had a follow up sleep study will be getting a cpap machine,and had a cortisone shot for my knee. Ok so med stuff may not seem like doing stuff for me but I have an awful time making myself go to the dr's even when I need it... so this is good. I was happy to also go to visit Gina on Thursday and picked up 2 end tables that where Grandmas E's. We also devised a plan to get the bunk-bed here (although we could have done it then) now she has a reason to come over to our house for dinner :) happy me!!! I also gave her the link here so maybe we will see her post some time soon!Sunday a very dear friend is coming over for dinner with her hubby and 18 month old son, greatly looking forward to it. I have also gotten a lot cleaned and organised.. all good things for me!!
