Monday, April 16, 2012

I think this weeks challenge will be "to just let things happen..oh and make the most of it"

To just let things happen ... this will be a challenge I will have NO problem with lol.. cheating? I say not! why? because I know Teri will at least be challenged by it... Let thing happen and make the most of it.. lemons to lemon aid. WE CAN DOOOOO IT...
ok so its 4/21/2012 and hears my lemonade
The blanket I have been knitting I really messed up square #5 by knitting the pattern backwards... so I thought and thought about what to do.. i did not want to tear it all apart so I finally found a way to just separate the logs.. and then knit a few rows on then sew them back in the order they where meant to be ! yippy.. also on mid week had a bit of trouble sleeping so I made cookies to make every one feel better(they are already gone)on Thursday Phil had work to do with a friend and dan asked for a bit of help on a yard he was doing so I decided I would go vist Amy for a bit then headed to Dans and do some work.. all and all I think I may have made a bit of lemonade.


  1. Speaking of making lemon aid from lemons... Last week I started drinking an 8 ounce glass of water with a few slices of fresh lemon BEFORE breakfast.It is really a good thing for cleaning out your liver-No really! And you know I am all about cleaning.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. YUP I deleted my comment BECAUSE I am making lemon aid... I FORGOT to say how great your knitting project looks! You made lots of lemon aid!!! I know Amy really appreciates your help. I bet Gina made lots of lemon aid too... because I think that is what she does. AND she texted me!!!! TWO times this week!!! I was thrilled. AND me hmmmm... do you remember anything I did? I made this page look like there was lemons on it. xoxox
