Friday, February 14, 2014

A new challenge

Starting 2/14/2014 completion 2/28/2014..
     We have chosen to really push ourselves out of our comfort zones. Each in a different way. Teri has chosen to fulfill a commitment she made to herself by keeping some difficult appointments(if she wants to elaborate she can in the comments). Gina Is really putting it all out there not only by job hunting but by making steps to volunteer at a hospital near her (way to go!!!) I (Mary) have decided its time to call and get my health care reinstated.
       I understand deep inside why each of these tasks are so hard for each of us, BUT I can only explain mine. One may simply think .. "heath insurance.. how could you not have it?", "well just pick up a phone", or "just fill out the papers" "how hard can that be?" For me VERY! Why?(keep in mind even this is hard for me to admit) For a long time I part took in a system that our country offers as a "means to get back on your feet" what they don't realize, or care to acknowledge is the system is broken, and the only way off is sometimes the hardest struggle a person can face. Worse than being hungry, or serving up your dignity to the supermarket cashier as you swipe your card with "free money" for the fist time. They make the transition off difficult, like they want you to be dependent, like some drug dealer "give them just enough to get hooked, but not to much so they stay away to long. keep um coming back for more." That being said it took being so sick of my reflection and who I had become to motivate me (with the support of my hubby and kids) to go back to school and spend day after day after day filling out applications and calling on jobs. To finally land a my job I have now. I love my job and it does pay well. But as part time its not enough, so I pick up hours, this giving me full time hours with out the benefits.. no bonuses, no extra pay, no perks.. but even more on heath insurance(at a reasonable price). I was so happy when we no longer "qualified" for the food stamps.. and rent assistance .. I am proud we have gotten this far.
    But now I need to suck it up and go back so that we can have the health coverage we need. And it sucks.. BUT I know I can do it.. Just like I know my sisters can dig deep inside themselves to find the courage they need to get done what they have set there minds to! Love you both, feel free express why why you are doing is so hard if you like! LET THE CHALLENGE BEGIN!

1 comment:

  1. Suck it up - that is it .... no elaboration. It is too .....
